Saturday, October 16, 2010


THE SAUSAGE FACTORY Saturday 16, October
10am – 1pm (West Coast Time)

12:23 Ross Levi Empire State Pride Agenda with the latest on Carl “WTF?” Paladino

10:40 Ari Ezra Waldman on where are we on DADT

11 Rory Reid the Democratic candidate for Governor of Nevada on his race and debating a phantom candidate..

11:23 Jon Ralston is Nevada’s premier pundit with a rundown of the Harry Reid vs Sharron Angle debate.

11:46 Peter Gariano is running against (alleged) homophobe John Bonaventura for Las Vegas Constable and possibly causing Derek to vote Republican for the first time ever.

12:13 Robert Randolph is the author of “You’ll Never Spa In This Town Again” a no holds barred rundown on which Hollywood “A-Listers” are getting the rubdown in steamrooms around the City of Angels.

12:30 Bonnie Jacobs is our little “Murder She Wrote” with her findings on John Ventura and his messy and murky past.

12:45 Mara Keisling is on hand to tell us why our “Ask A Tranny” segment is not exactly kosher.

THE SAUSAGE FACTORY Saturday 16, October
10am – 1pm (West Coast Time)

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